The Unforgettable Journey

The Unforgettable Journey

Families juggle an endless list of activities and commitments, and the pace isn’t likely to slow as the years go. Keeping the dental health, growth, and development of kids on track takes an ongoing commitment for busy parents. When it comes to straightening teeth, knowing the right time for treatment can be trickier than it…

Is A New Smile This Easy?

Is A New Smile This Easy?

No matter how much you love your favorite sweater, you only show it to the world a few days a year. On the other hand, your smile travels with you every day through every season. Find out how a new smile can be yours before another month goes by. Your smile sends messages to everyone…

The River Within

The River Within

Everybody loves the brilliance of a friendly smile and the pleasure of chewing their favorite foods. But in the 1990’s, researchers discovered a correlation between gum disease and other health problems, including heart disease. Over the last 30 years, evidence has continued to link oral and general health. Here’s a fascinating look at what we…

Goodbye Cavities?

Goodbye Cavities?

Every year, Over 175 million teeth are filled in the U.S. to repair damage from cavities. A blend of bacteria, sugar, and immune factors create a complex process that affects the quality of life in every age group. Did you know that researchers are uncovering innovative methods that could make traditional fillings a practice of…

7 Signs Your Smile Needs Help

7 Signs Your Smile Needs Help

Did you know that the simple act of smiling could add up to 7 years to your life? That’s what the results from one study suggest! A healthy, confident smile is a valuable asset worth protecting. Don’t overlook these clues that hint your smile needs a little attention. In 1952, a university research project examined…

Oral Bacteria: We Are Not Alone

Oral Bacteria: We Are Not Alone

You probably know that your mouth is home to one of the largest populations of bacteria in your body. While they’re an independent bunch, you can dramatically influence their effect on your health. It starts with understanding how the key bacterial players operate and your role in altering their destructive tendencies. The jury’s still out…

The Ice Chewing Dilemma

The Ice Chewing Dilemma

Your teeth and the surrounding jaw muscles present a powerhouse capable of crushing even the hardest foods to pieces. But sometimes we use our teeth in ways that push them to the limit and lead to unnecessary problems and treatment. Learn about one habit that may accelerate the breakdown of your teeth and how to…

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