The True Cost of Soda

The True Cost of Soda

Many people occasionally enjoy a soda at the movies, while others indulge in a soft drink at every meal. Before you crack open your next can of soda, you may want to learn more about how these bubbly beverages affect your oral health.  The average 12 oz can of soda contains about 10 teaspoons of…

Your Dream Smile is Waiting

Your Dream Smile is Waiting

Summer is just around the corner, the season of weddings, festivals, vacations, and family gatherings! Get ready for all your exciting events by revamping your smile. Cosmetic dentistry can help you reach all your smile goals.  Teeth Whitening: One of the easiest ways to up your smile game is to brighten your smile with teeth…

Bad Breath Culprits

Bad Breath Culprits

Essentially everyone has experienced a sour smell secreting from their mouth. Not only does it leave a yucky taste in your mouth, but it can also be embarrassing when talking to a friend or co-worker. Bad breath happens for various reasons, from diet to serious oral health conditions. Find out common causes of bad breath…

Seamless Tooth Replacements

Seamless Tooth Replacements

Missing teeth are more than just a cosmetic concern. Gaps in your smile can make simple daily necessities, such as speaking and chewing, a daunting task. Missing teeth also affects the bone density of the jaws, causes other teeth to shift, and can even make the face appear older. Although it is not currently possible…

Risky Dental Habits to Ditch

Risky Dental Habits to Ditch

Maintain A Healthy Smile By Ditching These Unhealthy Habits. It is never too late to start bettering yourself. Many individuals focus on improving their eating or fitness to try to live a healthier lifestyle. However, focusing on breaking a few poor oral habits could benefit your overall wellness and keep your smile healthy. Chewing on…

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